BrandGen is a self-service digital advertising platform that enables B2B firms and their marketing partners to accelerate sales and revenue growth through targeted, cost-effective marketing campaigns.

Project is a self-service digital advertising platform that enables B2B companies and their marketing partners to accelerate sales and revenue growth through targeted, cost-effective marketing campaigns. Its high-performance technology targets key business decision makers to demystify the ABM process, enabling a real connection between marketing and sales.
The challenge is to build an Account-Based Marketing platform that supports tight and seamless integration with HubSpot and BeesWax bidder. Platform should support flexibility that other platforms don’t have. Users should be able to add and remove target campaign accounts, control target advertising strategies.
React framework, in combination with Redux and Material UI, is used on the front end during the code refactoring and UI/UX redesign. Integration with APIs from HubSpot, Beeswax bidder (bidder as a service), and KickFire are performed. Stripe integration is implemented for a subscription functionality. Reports functionality has been completely redesigned and updated. SocketIO is used for two-ways communication with HubSpot.
Many new features have been delivered and deployed to production. UI and UX Redesigned performed, together with a complete React code refactoring. Cron jobs optimized, and queries performance increased by more than 25%. Database structure refactoring helped to scale database interactions on the backend.

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