CaseRM enables you to collaborate with other professionals inside and outside your organization.

CaseRM enables you to collaborate with other professionals inside and outside your organization. Easy share and collaborate on case files, manage people who can access case files. Manage multiple calendars of events, access to calendars of other people and share your own calendars with them.
The client needed a professional dashboard for collaboration and easy sharing of the documents, files, and calendars between employees of different organizations. The dashboard allows you to create organizations, add employees to an organization, manage the employees. Every employee can create calendars and events, add different multimedia files. All files are automatically uploaded and backed up in Cloud-A storage, a Canadian-based cloud solution that meets requirements within Canadian laws such as Canadian PIPEDA.
The final solution combines Angular Framework for Dashboard front-end implementation, NodeJS and ExpressJS API, and Cloud-A cloud solution. Our team has extensive expertise working with AWS and Azure cloud solutions, but this project had one quite unique requirement: we needed to meet requirements within Canadian laws such as Canadian PIPEDA. That means we couldn't use AWS or Azure as our cloud-computing platform.
The final solution meets all the requirements of security laws in Canada and can be used by Canadian-based companies to store sensitive documents and files. It also helps an organization's employees collaborate by sharing their calendars with attachments, which are allowed to store any sensitive information by Canadian law. That being said, the solution is widely used by small businesses based in Canada.

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