Cleanetto is a platform for cleaning business that helps to automate complex and industry specific tasks.

Cleanetto was born out of the needs of a pretty complex and unique cleaning business; the only daily cleaning business in New York City, serving 50,000 cleanings each year. It's the next generation of software for the next generation of cleaning companies.
Dev Team was assigned to implement a multi-tenant SaaS platform for a cleaning industry that helps to automate daily processes of a typical cleaning company: clients onboarding processes, cleaning events scheduling, cleaners management, etc. We implemented an efficient event scheduling algorithm with automatic cleaner assignment and an easy-to-use user interface as part of the solution. The solution is a dashboard that includes statistical information and reporting capabilities.
Dev Team has implemented the web dashboard with the help of Angular Material and cross-platform mobile apps with the help of Flutter. ASP.NET Core MVC has been used for API implementation. All the infrastructure was deployed in the cloud with the help of AWS. AWS Lambda has been chosen to perform daily scheduled tasks and react to different incoming events in the system. IdentityServer4 is used as an OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.0 Framework to provide authentication and role-based authorization. Stripe Connect is used as a payment gateway for payments and subscriptions implementation.
The multitenant platform has been developed and delivered. Every tenant can register in the system and subscribe to Cleanetto services online. Every tenant can add their clients and cleaners, and the system automatically assigns different cleaners to the clients using automatic events scheduling processes. Tenants are charged by the Cleanetto platform using Stripe, and every tenant has its Stripe account to manage their own clients. Every tenant has access to many different reports allowing them to analyze statistics and various metrics of their performance for a selected period of time.

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