The Henyep Group is a global corporation with a diversified portfolio of businesses spanning Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
The Henyep Group is a global corporation with a diversified portfolio of businesses spanning Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. With a 40 year history, the Group has positioned itself as a leader in each of its core businesses, offering a combination of expertise and integrity to its clients and the community as a whole.
Dev Team was challenged to create a trader's platform. The goal of the platform is to provide all typical trader functionality through the web dashboard: provide the ability to create a personal trader account, ability to deposit funds into personal accounts, ability to withdraw funds, exchange currencies, and transfers between internal accounts. Also, provide a few useful tools for traders, like Pip, Exchange, and Margin calculators, statistics analyzer, etc.
Trader's profile pages were implemented with the help of the Angular Framework. The platform performs multiple communications with 3rd-party APIs through our middleware API, so none of the access tokens are ever exposed to the client app, which is essential for security considerations. Middleware API is built with the help of NodeJS and ExpressJS Frameworks for API implementation. Amazon ElastiCache for Redis was chosen to provide a distributed cache for the system.
HYCM platform handles tens of thousands of transactions daily without interruptions. The price of the system and its capabilities scales on-demand: when there is a low load on the system, AWS automatically reduces the number of consumable resources, and when the load on the system increases, AWS increases our capabilities by scaling the cluster of the servers. All transactions are completely secured, and every user has only necessary permissions exposed to them through users' access tokens.