Sign App
Sing App dashboard is a fully responsive admin template. You can use the template to build web apps like SAAS, CRM, data analytics software, investment dashboards, etc.

Sing App dashboard is a fully responsive admin template. On average it will save you around 400 man-hours in development time. You can use Sing App template to build any type of web applications like SAAS, CRM, data analytics software, investment dashboards, etc.
The task was to provide a 'ready to use' admin dashboard template based on Angular and .NET Core frameworks using all the best practices both frameworks can offer. One of the priorities was to provide the highest level of reusability of the code and flexibility for developers who will be using the template. The purpose of the template is to minimize the time required to develop internal admin dashboards with the help of the template.
The Angular framework has been used as a framework for the front-end and ASP.NET Core MVC as a framework for the back-end of the template. Multiple standard controls are implemented and can be easily reused with numerous different themes: most of the commonly used charts, like pie charts, bar charts, treemaps, histograms, etc., different styles for sortable and filterable tables, lists, gallery control, map control, login/sign up pages, live chat, profile page, emails page, e-commerce pages, and many other standard controls and pages.
The created template has become highly successful and is one of the top-selling admin dashboards available on the market today. For a few years, while the template was distributed through Wrapbootstrap, it was consistently in the top 5 admin dashboards available on the platform. Right now, the template is being sold through Flatlogic's website directly,, and it has hundreds of downloads every year.

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